Saturday, November 28, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas Already
If you have the opportunity to see it, GO! It was such a great time.
I'm so thankful for my family. It has been wonderful to spend so much quality time with them this break. We've started decorating for Christmas and still have a ways to go. I love this time of year.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Crepes and Car Rides
I mean it started out way too early after a midnight showing of New Moon. I had to go to a campus committee meeting with some union people and high ups to discuss the smoking policy on campus. I'm not going to discuss it because it was the low part of the day.
But then I got to go out to lunch with my mentor Linda. She's a grandmother and just the lovliest woman. She is so full of youth and spunk. We went to this cute little diner for lunch. She paid which was so sweet and we did a little goal setting worksheet together. She also bought me a little name jewel thing. It's so cute.
After a brief oral presentation in French class, Becca, Sarah and I headed out into Lancaster. We dropped Sarah off at her interview for an internship then we ran some errands. After her interview (which went well!) we went into the city for crepes at Rachel's. SOOO good. I picked up the pottery that Mom, Janet, and I painted two weeks ago. Looks fabulous!
Overall a good night.
I'm so blessed.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Every Blessing You Pour Out
I knew that I was going to be dealing with more schoolwork now that ACMO has mostly ended. Well I was correct. Tests, papers, getting all of that stuff back. Sheesh. seems that nearly EVERTHING was filled with a huge blessing.
1. I got my French test back. With a curve, I got a 98.5! After my professor offered to see if he could get the prerequisite removed from a French Phonetics class he is teaching next semester so I could take that.
2. I got my Psych paper back. My partner and I made a booklet for parents to demonstrate the material from the book. Our last paper, which was 10 pages and chock full of good info only got us a B. This paper...52/50 and a note saying it was the best in the whole class!
3. Because of budget cuts and funding being taken away, it looked like my paid job with Students Working Against Tobacco was going to be cut for next semester. Not only will I still have my job, but I was voted in as the new president last night.
4. Because I thought I was losing my job, I applied for one at the Provost's Office. I interviewed Monday and found out yesterday that I got the job!!!! I start after Christmas break. I will be kept on the Provost's team until I graduate if I so choose. Which means I will have a steady job throughout college.
5. I lead care group last night. My mentor Jenn has lead a Job class at the seminary for years now. So I used the notes that she gave the class, a song that she incorporates in, a reading she uses, and I presented an amazing care group lesson on Job.
This week has truly been a blessing to me. I am heading home this weekend just to take a little break from everything. I am sure that seeing my family will just seal off this week as a great one.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I Would Choose my Family if I was Given the Choice
I just truly know this in my heart.
Yesterday, my mom came to hear me perform in the showcase. It was so great to spend some time with her (and our friend Janet who came with). We visited Janet's grandkids in York, painted potter at Pottery Works, and ate at Isaac's before the show. It was just great to be with them.
At UCF today, lots of parents were there. It was just great to see so many families together, worshipping God.
I know that God was so happy yesterday and today as we used our gifts to praise Him.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wardrobe Malfunctions
During "Omigod You Guys", first my scarf came off. Then, when I went to say loudly, "TWO...THREE...FOUR" I yelled it in my drum major voice. The cast was laughing and I thought they wouldn't be able to sing. Finally, when I went to jump on the back of the girl in front of me for the final pose, I didn't take into account my dress. So when I went to jump up, I fell off and my shoe flew off. I believe some choice words were said.
Needless to say, I believe that God was laughing pretty loudly. He was saying, "Sheesh, that girl needs a lesson in gracefulness." I am just thankful for His blessings and gifts!!