And the other night I carved my first pumpkin. I'm not known to be good with knives so I never did it. But my roomate and her boyfriend brought two home to carve and we had one on our front step. So I grabbed it and carved the following...
That's right-it's our house number! I saw the idea on Better Homes and Gardens website. For my first pumpkin experience, I think it turned out pretty good. We put them out right away...and now our step looks like this.
Spooky? Maybe not!
And tonight Lancaster kids have trick-or-treat time. To our shock, we had two little ones come to our door and we only had a small bowl of random candy. So I quick ran out and got a bag of Kit-Kats. If no one else shows up, at least I like the candy in the house. :-D
Hope everyone has a spooktacular weekend of haunts.