Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Solfege Syllables and Crazy Swedes

It is amazing how as fall break (or any break) is on the horizon, the days seem to drag on without end. That is how this week has been going. I can't wait to see my wonderful family this weekend so therefore, the days are slowly inching by.

This morning started off with my roommate and I having to take our music performance test. After an hour of practice on Sunday night, two hours last night, and run throughs this morning at breakfast, we ROCKED it. Our professor was really impressed with our ability to nail everything he threw at us. I felt great when I walked out of that room.

The rest of my classes actually went quite fast but this afternoon was a little blech. I didn't feel so well and some things got moved around. But my friend Mike, a fellow Orientation Leader, had invited me to a young adults thing at his church. They meet every Tuesday and this one happened to be a game night. So I decided to go.

I hear game night and I think: Parcheesi, Sorry, Pictionary, Apples to Apples...like this.

What we played: A Swedish game called Kimball.

This game involved lots of running, colored shirt teams, an enormous ball, and yelling. It was athletic, which I did not expect, nor was I properly dressed for. However, it was some of the most fun I've had doing something athletic. The people at this church were really wonderful and I really am looking forward to going back.

Here's Mike and I...we didn't look like this at the end of the game. We were gross.

So it turned out to be a pretty great day.

Simply put, I am so freaking blessed!


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