Friday, December 25, 2009

Holly and Jolly and All that Jazz

What a lovely day.

Christmas is fabulous.

Family is delightful.

Presents are fun.

Food is tasty.

All is calm.

All is bright.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just One Person...

It was a joke tonight at my work function that "if we reach one person, we've done a good job." Part of me agrees and part of me doesn't. Don't get me wrong, I totally believe in helping whoever you can, however you can. But I have a slight problem with this statement.

Why should we be satisfied if we only reach one?

Clearly we missed something- we missed out on telling people or sharing stories. We missed out on what people really need or want.

That's kind of how I feel with this blog. I went into this whole writing thing saying it was for myself, but if I'm being honest with myself, I want to help people. I want to be an inspiration, a laugh, a piece of advice for people. This is ultimately my goal in life so why shouldn't it be my goal online.

Problem is...I'm not reaching anyone! I don't think anyone reads this. And that sucks. Because I want to help people.

For is World AIDS Day. I know people who have AIDS. I met people, they became my friends, and then I left. They still had AIDS. They may have died and I wouldn't know because they are an ocean away. Some of the poorest people are my friends. And that means that my friends will die, because of a disease that can be prevented!

So please...get tested. Use protection.

I'd like to touch lots of lives. I won't settle for just one.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas Already

Last night Mom and I went to see White Christmas at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia!! It was a slightly early birthday present. Can I just say...AMAZING?! It was as good as the movie if not better. The actors were amazing singers and dancers. The costumes and sets were just wonderful. It was such a great show to see live and in person...oh yes and from the 5th row! It even snowed on the audience at the end.

If you have the opportunity to see it, GO! It was such a great time.

I'm so thankful for my family. It has been wonderful to spend so much quality time with them this break. We've started decorating for Christmas and still have a ways to go. I love this time of year.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Crepes and Car Rides

Today was just fabulous.

I mean it started out way too early after a midnight showing of New Moon. I had to go to a campus committee meeting with some union people and high ups to discuss the smoking policy on campus. I'm not going to discuss it because it was the low part of the day.

But then I got to go out to lunch with my mentor Linda. She's a grandmother and just the lovliest woman. She is so full of youth and spunk. We went to this cute little diner for lunch. She paid which was so sweet and we did a little goal setting worksheet together. She also bought me a little name jewel thing. It's so cute.

After a brief oral presentation in French class, Becca, Sarah and I headed out into Lancaster. We dropped Sarah off at her interview for an internship then we ran some errands. After her interview (which went well!) we went into the city for crepes at Rachel's. SOOO good. I picked up the pottery that Mom, Janet, and I painted two weeks ago. Looks fabulous!

Overall a good night.

I'm so blessed.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Every Blessing You Pour Out

This week did not look promising as of Monday.

But it turns out that when things don't look good, they are wonderful.

After a fabulous weekend of singing and dancing my heart out:

I knew that I was going to be dealing with more schoolwork now that ACMO has mostly ended. Well I was correct. Tests, papers, getting all of that stuff back. Sheesh. seems that nearly EVERTHING was filled with a huge blessing.
1. I got my French test back. With a curve, I got a 98.5! After my professor offered to see if he could get the prerequisite removed from a French Phonetics class he is teaching next semester so I could take that.

2. I got my Psych paper back. My partner and I made a booklet for parents to demonstrate the material from the book. Our last paper, which was 10 pages and chock full of good info only got us a B. This paper...52/50 and a note saying it was the best in the whole class!

3. Because of budget cuts and funding being taken away, it looked like my paid job with Students Working Against Tobacco was going to be cut for next semester. Not only will I still have my job, but I was voted in as the new president last night.

4. Because I thought I was losing my job, I applied for one at the Provost's Office. I interviewed Monday and found out yesterday that I got the job!!!! I start after Christmas break. I will be kept on the Provost's team until I graduate if I so choose. Which means I will have a steady job throughout college.

5. I lead care group last night. My mentor Jenn has lead a Job class at the seminary for years now. So I used the notes that she gave the class, a song that she incorporates in, a reading she uses, and I presented an amazing care group lesson on Job.

This week has truly been a blessing to me. I am heading home this weekend just to take a little break from everything. I am sure that seeing my family will just seal off this week as a great one.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Would Choose my Family if I was Given the Choice

God loves families.
I just truly know this in my heart.
Yesterday, my mom came to hear me perform in the showcase. It was so great to spend some time with her (and our friend Janet who came with). We visited Janet's grandkids in York, painted potter at Pottery Works, and ate at Isaac's before the show. It was just great to be with them.

At UCF today, lots of parents were there. It was just great to see so many families together, worshipping God.

I know that God was so happy yesterday and today as we used our gifts to praise Him.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunctions

So tonight was the dress rehearsal for the ACMO Showcase. Our first performance is tomorrow. I was feeling sick before and really didn't know if I could get through the entire run but I was going to try my hardest.

During "Omigod You Guys", first my scarf came off. Then, when I went to say loudly, "TWO...THREE...FOUR" I yelled it in my drum major voice. The cast was laughing and I thought they wouldn't be able to sing. Finally, when I went to jump on the back of the girl in front of me for the final pose, I didn't take into account my dress. So when I went to jump up, I fell off and my shoe flew off. I believe some choice words were said.

Needless to say, I believe that God was laughing pretty loudly. He was saying, "Sheesh, that girl needs a lesson in gracefulness." I am just thankful for His blessings and gifts!!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Harvest Blessings

So I know that there are some people who wake up and can sense that it will be a bad day.

I admit, once in awhile, I'm one of those people.

But what I love is when you wake up and you know it is not only going to be a good day, but a good week. That's how I felt this morning.

I have a very busy week ahead. My showcase performance is Friday and Saturday so we have rehearsals every night this week. Yet, I know it's worth it.

So as I walked to the gym this morning, in the brisk fall air, I couldn't help but be thankful to God that I am blessed with so many things.

I hope and pray that everyone else has those moments too. When they can see the beauty that surrounds them and that lies within themselves.



Oh and here's a picture from this weekend's holiday festivities.

I think we both look pretty good!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Costumes and Lost Sponges

I know that God has been laughing a lot this week. Mostly because I've been doing dumb stuff. So God has been laughing and going, "What on earth is she doing?"

First, I think that He really laughs at Halloween. I don't believe He thinks it is worshipping the devil or anything weird like that. I think God watches us dress up, looking like fools, and just laughs and laughs and laughs. For example, we got extra credit for my music class to dress up. So in my lameness, my costume for this year is simply a cowgirl. I have a plaid tunic, brown leggings, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. It looked good. But one kid in our class was a plug. He literally had a big cloth plug wrapped around him. It was hilarious. We had to sing to another class in our costumes. While they laughed, I think God was definitely laughing.

Then last night I asked my roommate if she used my sponge. She said no. I couldn't figured out where it went because I had used it this week. So I literally tore apart my closet looking for it. Looked in my shoes and everything. I stood up, very confused and realized that it had managed to fall out of the closet and was placed conveniently right beside my bag, BEHIND where I was sitting.

Sarah and I just laughed. A lot. Because really, it was dumb.

I'm really blessed. It's been a good week and I love my friends. This weekend is going to be a great weekend. Campfire tonight, Bible study retreat in the morning with muffins, tea, and fabulous ladies, and then a fun, safe costume party tomorrow night. It'll be a great weekend.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

God enjoys my sarcasm...I think.

God has laughed a lot in the past few days.

Not at me, but with me.

Wednesday...he laughed when I slipped on an apple and nearly wiped out in the middle of the walkway. I laughed a lot at this, I bet He did too.

Yesterday- I KNOW God was laughing watching our ACMO rehearsal. We are people who love music and who love to be goofy. If anything, He was getting a sneak peak into the show and into our true selves. (As if He didn't already know what that actually looked like.)

Today- As I was panicking about missing trains (I missed two opportunities because the train I was on was severely delayed), God was laughing at how all things work out. Because I had time to go to the bathroom and buy a snack before getting on a train. Instead of running, I could walk.

I need to remember that HE is in control...not me.

As I attend two funerals this weekend, I know that my happy, joyful God will walk with me too. Only this time, He won't laugh...He'll cry with me.

I'm blessed...I hope you see that you are too.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mountain Top

This weekend I went on a retreat with University Christian Fellowship, the Christian group that I am an active member of on campus. A lot of my friends were going so I was excied to spend time with them and with God.

Seriously, I haven't felt that close to God in a very long time. We had a great band worshipping with us, a great speaker, and just fabulous people to fellowship with. I truly felt God working among us and think that it was a powerful experience for many people gathered.

I was especially blessed to connect to my friend Radi because he was in my small group. Although we are friends, God truly brought us together this weekend. We are now connected on a much deeper level and for that I am so thankful.

The funniest part of the weekend was definitely playing the game Curses...with my pastor. :-D It is a fun game where you get to curse another player with something ridiculous to do for the game (like: speak like a pirate, howl every time someone claps, say something that rhymes whenever you speak...etc.) So one of the UCF pastors decided to join in our game on Saturday. It was one of those moments when you know that God is laughing with you. One of his curses was to act like a pro wrestler everytime someone gave him a curse card. When I gave him one, he stood on a chair and tackled me. True story. We all laughed so hard and it was just a blessing to share in some laughter and joy.

here's my pastor, Duane, and friend Kylee...they are cursed.

My girls...Brooke, Kate, Sarah, and me

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not All the Humorous, but Worthy of Noting

So it's been a little while. I am back at school after fall break. Breaks are always too short. Enough said.

Yesterday I learned that my great-uncle Ray passed away after battling pancreatic cancer for the past 6 months. In no way was it funny to hear about this, but I know that he was in pain. I would bet that his wife will be soon to follow him. She's very sick as well. I only ask for prayers for his immediate family, especially my pop-pop who was very close to him. However, in receiving the news from my mom, we couldn't help but laugh at the drama that goes along with our family as well as reminiscing about the happy moments with Uncle Ray. I guess I will count our laughter as God sneaking in some joy among the sadness.

Another moment of God trying to be funny is with today's weather at Millersville. This evening I have to lead a care group lesson (which I just planned an hour ago), do musical blocking for an hour, go to a meeting for an hour, and then go back to musical rehearsal and do more blocking. Why is this humorous? Because it is about 35 degrees outside and pouring down rain. I guess God will enjoy the sight of my dancing in rainboots.

I promised pictures of my new room! So here they are.
Enjoy. I'll try to find some pictures of my room before it looked like this!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Revamp and Remodel

You may notice that the title of this blog has changed. As I fell asleep last night, I realized that I wanted this blog to actually connect to people. I didn't want it to just be about my rambling on. I wanted people to read it and be able to relate. Or in this case laugh.

I often say when something ironic, creepy, or a little off-color happens, that it's God's sense of humor kicking in. I know that someone besides me has to think this so I decided that it's the focus I want to take with this.

Often times when things are rough or not really all that funny, it helps to find something light about the situation. My hope is that I can do that even when the situation's I am in are not the most uplifting or pleasant.

So here's to a new start...of a pretty new blog. Advice, comments, and thoughts are always welcome.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Wicked Dance Moves and New Paint

So I am finally on fall break! It has only taken this week super long to get to this point, but finally, we are here.

Yesterday was insane. I had three classes, care group dinner, care group, ACMO rehearsal, SWAT meeting, then back to ACMO throughout the day. However, we worked on our dance moves for One Short Day. I love it! It is like our own Glee Club. When I got back to my room though, I basically crashed. After a day like that though, you know that you used your time wisely.

When I came home today I was greeted by a whole new bedroom. Before I left for school, I realized that I really wasn't happy with how my room looked. So my mom took it upon herself to redo it. It is truly beautiful. I love it! I will be sure to post pictures soon.

It feels great to be home. Time to relax, recharge, refocus, and regroup. I love my family so it's great to be back with them.

I am so blessed. I love that I can always see that, even among the stress.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Solfege Syllables and Crazy Swedes

It is amazing how as fall break (or any break) is on the horizon, the days seem to drag on without end. That is how this week has been going. I can't wait to see my wonderful family this weekend so therefore, the days are slowly inching by.

This morning started off with my roommate and I having to take our music performance test. After an hour of practice on Sunday night, two hours last night, and run throughs this morning at breakfast, we ROCKED it. Our professor was really impressed with our ability to nail everything he threw at us. I felt great when I walked out of that room.

The rest of my classes actually went quite fast but this afternoon was a little blech. I didn't feel so well and some things got moved around. But my friend Mike, a fellow Orientation Leader, had invited me to a young adults thing at his church. They meet every Tuesday and this one happened to be a game night. So I decided to go.

I hear game night and I think: Parcheesi, Sorry, Pictionary, Apples to this.

What we played: A Swedish game called Kimball.

This game involved lots of running, colored shirt teams, an enormous ball, and yelling. It was athletic, which I did not expect, nor was I properly dressed for. However, it was some of the most fun I've had doing something athletic. The people at this church were really wonderful and I really am looking forward to going back.

Here's Mike and I...we didn't look like this at the end of the game. We were gross.

So it turned out to be a pretty great day.

Simply put, I am so freaking blessed!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Breadsticks, Dressing Rooms, and Fame

This has been a fabulous weekend in my life.

Last night I went out to Olive Garden with 3 of my best friends. We ate our way through 4 baskets of breadsticks, a bowl of salad, and our meals. We then went to the mall and had a lovely time shopping. Retail therapy exists. My roommate and I had a great time trying on clothes and both managed to find some really great pieces. Then we went out for frosties and ended the night with some singing in the car.

After a day full of homework and productiveness, a group of us girls went to see Fame tonight. I loved it. It makes me miss music though. And all of the things that I had one time hoped to accomplish. By the end of the movie, I was literally crying. It's hard to realize that you have no idea what you want to do with your life.

Who do I want to be? Where do I want to leave my mark? Who will I be?

These questions I will continue to ponder.

Here's us girls by the Fame sign.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cancelled Class, Apple Dumplings, and Dancing

Today, my last class was cancelled. So I had 1 hour and 15 minutes more of life than I expected. What a blessing!

Then I went to dinner and it was Apple Festival night at the dining hall. I had an apple dumpling. It was very delicious. This is one of many reasons why I adore the fall. (I shall list these at some point) But alas, that was a great part of my evening.

And then to the not so fun, but still kind of fun part of my night- the crazy stuff that is going to ensure in approximately 35 minutes. I have to: lead a care group lesson on Samson from 6:30-8, then run across campus to musical rehearsal for an hour, then run back to this side of campus for a work meeting.

While the busyness of this may seem like the bad part, it isn't half of it. Why?

Because rehearsal tonight (only my second ever! for a musical thing) involves choreography.

They may as well stick me in the middle of a muddy ice skating rink in high heels because that's about how good I'm going to look dancing. I guess I'll just have to get by with my singing.

Somehow I think my musical friends (below) will be able to help me.

Simply put, I am truly blessed.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Much Merrier than a Manic Monday

So I know that it is not Monday when I am posting this. However, the good stuff that I'm reflecting on happened yesterday. Most Mondays are kind of bleh because it is the start of the week and what not, but yesterday was a fabulous Monday for me. My day started off productively and classes went well. I had a test in my Psych class but my professer has been sick so she wasn't there to give it. So we took it and left, which meant I was in that class for approximately 15 minutes tops. Overall, I was a good student on Monday actually doing my work. As a reward, I went over to my friend Greg's for a movie night. We watched Picture Snatcher, an oldie with James Cagney. It's kind of our thing- watching old movies that are black and white and brilliant! It was really nice to hang out a little ways off campus and be able to relax.

Some fantastic news for today: my roommate turned in our application for the town home next year and we're #2 on the waiting list. Which basically means we will definitely have a house next year!!!!!!!! It is really weird to think that we'll truly be growing up and moving out so to speak. My mom is taking it a little hard. She gets sad thinking about me moving out, but technically we're just moving off campus for the school year. I will still come home often!

Simply put, this week has already been a huge blessing!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Realtors, Leases, and Frozen Hot Chocolate

So this week has been a very stressful one for me. Although the past few weeks have literally been jam-packed from morning til night, this week was filled with a lot of emotional, spiritual, and mental stresses. The biggest stress of the week was trying to decide where I will live next year. Now I know what you are is September. However, determining housing for the following year begins at Millersville in October/November. My roommate and I, along with our friend Becca are looking into getting a townhome for next year!! After looking at our many options, we have compared costs, driving issues, and our own happiness. And we think that we have the perfect answer- town house. It's a little ways off campus but it really looks to be the best choice for us. So yay for us finally coming to that conclusion tonight. We get to take a look at them officially on Sunday, although Becca and I have been there. It feels weird to be growing up. I'm getting a little more sad as I get a little more excited. It's strange. And I'm not quite ready to face it all.

On a happier note and less stressful note, my roommate Sarah and I met up with our friend Brooke to just chat over smoothies at a local coffee shop. Delicious! I had a frozen hot chocolate. It was to die for. We had lovely talks in this cute little shop where some guy was playing his guitar. It was the perfect end to a rough week.

Tomorrow I work at the 5K Run/Walk that the organization I work for is running. So I will be up and functional by 7:30am. That is not an hour I have seen in a long time. I am looking forward to it though. I love putting in a good day's work. Hopefully it will be fun. I will be missing College Day on the Parkway in Philly that all of my friends are going to.

Thought for the day: Growing up is so bittersweet.

Simply put, despite all the stress of life, I am truly blessed.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Joy of Care Group

Because it will most likely be mentioned throughout my posts, I figure I should comment about what this whole care group thing is. I belong to a Christian group at Millersville called University Christian Fellowship (UCF). Last fall, my best friend (and now roommate) Sarah got me interested in a group that met in our dorm's study room once a week. UCF called it a care group. Basically, it is a group that gathers once a week to study the Bible but then they also do things outside of that one night gathering. Throughout the year, my care group really became my lifeline. When I went through a nasty break-up, it was my care group leaders who immediately came to my side. This year, I am co-leading a care group in my dorm. It is currently going so well. We have had about 18 people there each week which is a lot in the scheme of care groups. We had a great mix of people from past years and freshmen. My co-leader, Justin, and I get along so well. I really am so thankful for the people that come and the people that support Justin and I.

Part of my care group from last year on our field trip to the Lancaster Theological Seminary.

I am truly blessed by this group.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Old Films and Thriving Students

I have had a really great couple of days. My family came to church with me on Sunday and I was so happy for them to be a part of that aspect of my life at school.
Yesterday was a busy, busy day starting with my first day back at the gym with my roommate at 7:30am! It felt great though to get back in that routine. Then we had breakfast with friends and then I worked for awhile until classes. In the evening, I had to meet with some of my students from my Orientation group. We have to check in with how things are going and then do some goal setting. I am happy to report that they are all doing really well for the most part. I am very happy for them. After I finished up like 9 meetings, I went over to my friend Greg's house to watch a movie.
We watched "It Happened One Night" with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. It was fabulous. I now love old black and white films because of Greg. We then watched some episodes of Greg the Bunny. Hilarious. It was great to just hang out with him too. I love watching movies. After a long day of interviews, it was great to just relax.
Today was a busy day with classes and more meetings. But overall, life is good. Tonight is care group and I can't wait to be among my friends.

Simply put, I am blessed.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hardcore Mini Golf and Bananas Foster

So today was not only a beautiful day, but it was filled with lots of beautiful things.

My mom won a recipe contest that was part of Millersville Dining Services. So her prize was for her and my dad to visit Millersville, get two free meals in the dining hall, a night in a hotel, and a really fancy dinner in one of our fancy dining rooms. My mom chose this weekend to come here because it is her and my dad's anniversary.

They came around lunch and got to eat at the dining hall. (Woohoo!) I gave them a little history tour of the campus and then we went with my roomate Sarah to play mini-golf. It was a really cute place to play, tucked back in the woods. It was like the most intense golf course ever though. It seriously took us forever to play because each hole was long and complicated. Naturally, my golf ball was flying all over the place. It was a lot of fun.

When we got back, we went to our special dinner. My mom had gotten to pick the menu from some choices. It was seriously one of the most delicious meals I have had in my entire life. We had shrimp cocktail, smoked turkey & brie soup, a mandarin salad with raspberry honey dijon dressing, awesome rolls, chateau-briand, potatoes, veggies, and finally, bananas foster. Everything was delicious. Seriously, I was in heaven. However, now I feel like I'm going to burst!

It is really nice to have my parents around. Tomorrow they will come to church with me. I think they will really enjoy it. I can't wait to hang out with them some more.

Under all of this happiness, there was a touch of sadness that I had at the back of my mind. A year ago today, my German shepherd Max passed away. It was honestly the hardest day of my life. I have never cried that hard in my whole life. And the fact that it has been a year makes me sad. He was my buddy. We have another dog now, Faith, and she's a sweetheart. But Max was my first dog and he'll always have a very special place for me.

This is last picture we have of Max before he passed away. I hope you are happy in heaven buddy. I miss you everyday.

Simply put, I am blessed.


Friday, September 18, 2009

The First of Many

So this is my first blog and my first post. I've entered my second year at Millersville University and I realized that I needed some way to communicate all of the thoughts that swim around in my head. Writing in a journal takes me way too long and I wanted a way to share some of my random thoughts with others. Because sometimes, the simple, zany things make a difference to people. Hopefully I can get to that level at some point.

I first thought about creating a blog when I saw the movie "Julie and Julia." For those of you who like to cook, wish you could cook, or love food, this is a great movie to see. However, do not see it on an empty stomach like my mom and I did. The main character (other than Julia Child) decides to blog as she attempts to conquer Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It is based off of a true story and I just thought it was brilliant. I now own this cookbook- my mom had it sent to me at college just so I could open it. There is no way in the world I could get through this book while at college, let alone would I really be excited to share of the many misfortunes I would surely encounter.

So instead I've decided to write about my time in college- from the really amazing times to the days when I want to move back home. I think it is important for me (and hopefully others who may choose to read this) to always look for the simple joys among the crazy days. I know that I am blessed and I don't want to forget that even when times are rough or stressful. So I hope you will join me.

As a brief start, I have had a completely crazy week. I have a lot of things to do each day and it seems like I don't actually want a break because I never seem to allow time for that. I'm constantly moving. But even after Wednesday and yesterday, I managed to have such a fabulous week. One highlight: being able to come back after lots of meetings, classes, leading my first ever Bible study, and working to my awesome roommate and watch Sex & the City before bed.

Simply put, I am blessed.
